Cyptocurency NFTs as Chibi Characters

IsekaiNFT is a NFT parent project based on the multiverse of cryptocurrency. We pride ourselves as an art and community first organization, delivering only quality NFTs. Holding an IsekaiNFT gives holders access to IskeaiNFT exclusive club, airdrop events as well as the right to vote and decide on the direction of IsekaiNFT together as a community, in a true decentralized fashion.

Our first introductory project is the Cryptorian, a cryptocurrency inspired NFT collection, with more projects soon to follow as we continue to grow.

Over many centuries, the coporate overlord has ruled over the world through corruption, abuse, and fear. That was until a glitch in time space continuum occurs resulting in a gateway that connects multiple parallel universes together. Through the gateway comes a race known as the Cryptorian who settled themselves on the habitable Earth, hiding away from humans’ eyes. After years under tyranical rule, the Cryptorian grew tired of conforming to the overlord’s whims and wills, the Cryptorian movement was thus born as resistance factions rose all over the world to unite in a joint cause.

The Cryptorian has been at war for over a decade, overcoming many obstacles laid on their path to freedom. The victory that they seek is so close to their reach but as the cryptorian grows in power so does the awareness of its existence. The overlord is quickly tightening their grasp on the society, aggressively holding on to the last standing symbol of their outdated empire.

Who will come out on top?

The Cryptorian are collections of Chibi characters inspired from different cryptocurrencies with their own unique styles. Each collection features 2100 generated Chibis from hand-drawn attributes of varying degree of rarity.

Ethereum Cryptorian is the first collection set to be released. Subsequenty, Bitcoin, Cardano, and Solana collections will follow. As the resistance grows, many more factions will join the cause in the future.

Etherian is the glue that holds the cryptorian resistance together through the massive influence of their nobles. Some Etherian even possess a unique gene which grants psionic capabilities. These psychics can be identified easily from their diamond eyes though there are few who hold these immense powers..



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